Profit maximisation by automation – The end of 60 hours working weeks
3 min reading Many of you may be familiar with the situation where the profit indicator fails to budge upward...

Secure your client account with Multifactor Authentication (MFA) and Salesforce Authenticator!
5 min reading Salesforce takes the protection ofyour data very seriously, and understand that the confidentiality, integrity,and availability of your...

Hungarian companies lagging behind in digitalization
3 min reading The annual report of the EU about the Member States’ progress on digital developments – the Digital...

CRM Guide – Read this to boost your turnover!
You cannot manage a company on the rise from excel spreadsheets anymore. With the right tools, a business can quickly...

What’s the Future of CRM? Here’s a Hint: It has Everything to Do with the Customer
The future of CRM is bright. CRM will continue to report key data and give insight for future action, however,...

Miért kell CRM az építőiparba? Azért, hogy több pénz maradjon a kasszában!
Az építőipar egyik legnagyobb kihívása a projektmenedzsment komplexitásából és az ezzel járó adminisztratív terhek kezeléséből fakad. Lényegretörőbben fogalmazva, általános probléma,...