Top-notch cost efficiency improvements – Automation of marketing and customer service, the key to success

5 min reading
Despite the assistance in the form of zero interest loans and wage subsidies, many businesses focused on resolving the friction between employer’s costs and diminishing sales in the past eighteen months.
The pandemic has had an enormous toll on businesses and company managers, particularly in industries where communication and customer acquisition became difficult or temporarily impossible (e.g. financial sector, tourism).
Unfortunately, many leaders, often arbitrarily reverted to redundancies, a solution believed to be the simplest at first, but recoiling later. Few people in charge contemplated who would take over and continue with the duties and how, or the workload the remaining people would have.
The notion of automation raises undue concern in many.
Numerous SME owners are recultant to take the risks to innovate due to their own uncertainty or their employees’ concerns. This inaction, however, makes them miss the most efficient cost-cutting opportunity that would otherwise make everybody a winner.
Tolerance for monotony – yes, creativity – no
You often fail to realise, when it comes to automation, the number of challenges and tasks an innovative platform can address in part or in full. You could find at least 3 jobs at 80% of Hungarian businesses that could be transformed.
Most people usually know that routine, monotonous tasks can be partly or fully automated, but much less are aware that this is also true to sales, record keeping, data analysis, customer service or drafting simple texts.
An even more astonishing finding that – according to a McKinsey survey – 49% of the total labor hours in Hungary could be automated. This effectively means that about half of wage costs could be saved on the long run.
Is automation the secret of cost efficient CRM?
The efficient operation of customer service involves many tasks employees would rather want to avoid. Nerve-racking administration is a perfect example, although it could be easily solved with a pertinent system. Moreover, the company could save up to two hours for its employees with the “elimination” of administrative chores. Data would become more precise, and less errorst in turn would clearly “remove” unnecessary extra work and costs from the process.
Automated CRM platforms tailored to your business, your customers and employees have many more benefits to offer. Self-service systems deliver a convenient and innovative solution to businesses without the need for additional workforce.
Many company managers think this is too good to be true.
– “The new platfor would surely have enormous hardware requirements.”
– “I bet we’ll be spending anything we could save on IT.”
– “We wouldn’t want to update the software three times a week.”
It is important to note that the above example concerns are unfounded when it comes to the platforms supported by Bitmist experts.
Pardot – Less costs, customised service
There is a B2B marketing automation tool that stands out from its competitors. This is Salesforce Pardot. We recommend you this tool for your organisation to enjoy the benefits of sending system-generated, yet personalised newsletters to leads and customers, and optimising your costs through clear, comprehensive reporting options. Lead monitoring will significantly reduce your marketing budget. The time of misfired advertisements and campaigns is over. This platform creates the awaited balance and cooperation between sales and marketing.
Bitmist team, a Salesforce and Pardot partner and expert, is keen to demonstrate how you can get the most of the available opportunities and resources with this versatile platform.
Do you want to know what a company can achieve managing any challenges with the system provisioned by Bitmist?
OTP Mobil closed 20% more deals and its customer acquisition costs showed a downward trend already after a month. Lighware Visual Engineering brought sales in 11 countries to a common level in 3 months with remarkable cost efficiency.
Exploit the potentials of your organisation cost efficiently and take your business to the next level with Bitmist!