Thought-provoking articles, ideas and success stories.
The future of CRM is bright. CRM will continue to report key data and give insight for future action, however, leading experts see CRM evolving to measure and inform sales enablement and customer engagement while playing a tremendous role in the success of future business.
Kiss Gábor
With the right tools, a business can quickly access the most advanced modern technologies, gain a significant competitive edge, and even become a serious competitor in industries dominated by established companies. If you are looking to grow, the most useful solution is a CRM platform!
Hungarian companies lagging behind in digitalization
Kellényi István
Salesforce takes the protection of your data very seriously, and understand that the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of your data is vital to your business.
Many people may be familiar with the situation when, despite all the strength and energy on the part of the team, the profit indicator does not want to creep up. I mean, he wants it, he just can't. The good news is that this can be avoided!
Marketing automation is a bogey for many small and medium-sized businesses (SME-s), although there are so many affordable alternatives today that there are no financial constraints between efficiency gains and medium-sized companies.
Many companies have problems with sales, marketing, customer management processes and tasks. Read on to find out how and what to automate without hesitation!
Many businesses focused on resolving the friction between employer’s costs and diminishing sales in the past eighteen months. Is automation the secret of cost efficient CRM?
Does the team have the devices required to use Salesforce? Can they access the information they need on their smartphones outside the office?
Digitalisation opens new perspectives in business: just think of the new industries like streaming services or the mobility sector. The latest technologies have fundamentally changed our world, pressing companies and their leaders to recast their operating strategies.